First off, I loved how large of a crowd they drew and how hot that crowd was. Some of the chants were great.
The first match between the FBI and the BWO was decent. Little Guido, Mamaluke and Stevie Richards are all in phenomenal shape. The one thing this could have used was a Meanie-Tracy Smothers dance-off but apparently Smothers has retired.
I skipped the Al Snow-CW Anderson match as I heard bad things about. I don’t really care for either of the two and the match seemed rather drawn out and boring.
The striptease was a nice, edgy touch which I really enjoyed and the Asian plant in the crowd did her best Kimona impression and showed some titties. Not a bad touch.
The Balls-Axl Chairs match was just about what you would expect. Sad to think it was Axl’s last match due to being involved in a car accident driving home from the show. I guess he fell asleep at the wheel with what happened with Sabu having to be rushed to hospital and Justin Credible drugged out is no surprise. The lifestyle has caught up with these guys and that has a lot to do with the trainwreck the show was.
The Gangstas beating up on Angel was decent for the standard New Jack pop. I liked the idea of introducing new talent such as Ruckus and Jeez who looked to set up a future angle vs. the Gangstas but these fans weren’t going to have any outsiders so the reaction is no surprise.
The Jerry Lynn-Devon Storm match was fucking incredible and the fans thanking Jerry was a great moment that really helped all the flaws the show had. Jerry said he was retiring at the end of the year. This performance and the fan’s admiration is worth going out of your way to see.
Shane Douglas got absolutely shit on with his promo. Too Cold can still go but this turned into a trainwreck with the hostile crowd and the lame Kevin Sullivan and Tod Gordon run-ins.
Overall, I'm a sucker for ECW and a sucker for trainwrecks. I liked the concept of introducing new talent. The show was not very good at all but the Lynn-Crowbar match was amazing and is worth going out of your way to see. I liked the show more than most will but it really was not very good, even bordering on horrendous.
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